Crazy Myths About Home Staging

Crazy Home Staging Myths 

That We Wish People Would Stop Believing

As a real estate agent, home builder, or investor, have you ever felt like your industry was greatly misunderstood? Here are a few myths we've heard about you (don't worry - we know they aren't true):


"Real estate is easy - just give house tours all day!"


"New homes always sell like hotcakes...or cupcakes."


"Flipping and selling houses is like living on HGTV."


Statements like this bother you, don't they? We hear you. What you do is no cakewalk and has a lasting impact on the person who buys your home. Home staging is the same way. 

 Keep reading to get a good chuckle as we bust the top 3 myths that people believe about home staging!

1. Home Staging is Just Decorating

While services like interior design or decorating are based on personal style, home staging is founded upon established and effective sales techniques that require an understanding of architecture and psychology. 

Our goal with each stage is to help your buyers picture themselves using the space while also showcasing the best aspects of your listing.


2. Home Staging is Expensive

Since staged homes tend to sell 88% faster (and for 20% more) than non-staged listings, home staging has a significant return on investment. That investment is a mere single digit percentage of the overall sale price and can yield faster turnover - often above the listed price of the home.

3. Home Staging is the Last Resort for Slow Markets

While it is true that home staging is a great solution for hard-to-sell homes, staging any home from the start will save you more money (and yield a greater ROI) in the end.


Staged homes are often professionally photographed, ensuring that your MLS photos will get noticed
by motivated home buyers. They also allow you to list the home for top dollar without deterring the
right leads.


Top real estate agents understand that staging is not about decorating, it's about marketing the home! Call us today to discuss how we can help you market your listings so they (and you!) get the attention
they deserve.



Don't Over-Accessorize 

Too much furniture, art, or decor will make your listing feel small and tasteless. Less is more - be selective in what you curate and ruthless with what you remove.

 SOURCE: First Impressions Staging + Design